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ce and snow can cover streets and highways in winter. People must allow extra time to get to places . They can’t drive fast. If they do, they may slide off the road and get stuck in the snow. After a bad storm, snow is everywhere. People must shovel it off their sidewalks. Snowplows clear roads. People pay careful attention to weather report in winter. If a storm is coming, they want to know. Then they can plan to stay home.
Salesclerks work with customers everyday. They are polite. A salesclerk can’t be rude. Customers don’t like that. Salesclerks answer questi***. They help customers find things. They can also offer suggesti***. Good salesclerks are helpful but not pushy. They offer to help a customer. But a customer may not want help. A good clerk le***es the customer alone. Then later the clerk can ask again.
Salesclerks help customers buy things. They add up the total amount of the purchases. When a customer pays with cash, the salesclerk will give the customer their charge. Then the clerk puts the customer’s purchase in a bag and thanks them. Being patient and friendly is important for a salesclerk. Salesclerks do other things besidess helping customers. They put prices on things. They arrange things on counters, tables of shelves. They also keep the store clean. Salesclerks do an important job.