

所在地区:广东 广州



产品编号:7189331                    更新时间:2017-03-16
价格: ¥725.00


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彭海波 13538843060


3-DG-200(3-EV-175)是游览车专用蓄电池型号,品牌可选择;淄博火炬,湖北骆驼、安徽理士、美国邱健、US等作为动力驱动,广州贝朗斯***批发各种6V系列电动游览车电瓶,3-DG-200(3-EV-175)的5小时率容量达到200AH。以48V、72V、36V不等串联方式出现。电动观光车我们一般都是在公园、景区、***场所、高尔夫球场见到的比较多,它的主要作用就是代步的过程中供游客观光风景,它像一条亮丽的风景线显现在人们的视眼内,让我们放飞思索,超越事事百态,寻味到大自然的奇美。每当被眼前款款电动观光车所吸引,自己每次都会勾起很多的美好回忆,联想到那绚丽的风景。电动观光车既像是一位可亲可敬的朋友,又像是分享喜怒哀乐、世事***的亲***人,利用它观光、总是能够抛掉许多的繁琐困扰,找到人生之美。机动灵活、轻巧、精美的它,被华丽包裹的它内涵更美,里外融合,开车轻松、方便,只需要一次性将电充满,就可以尽情使用,开驰。车身采用敞开式的构造,上下车方便,减少疲惫,舒心试驾,舒坦观光。随着旅游地区的大规模开发、建造,使得观光的地区更为广泛了,大家对于电动观光车的选择也是越显频繁,所以更刺激了提供电动观光车商家的争相成立,虽然给我们在选择的时候是多了一份机会,但同样也会带来很多的纠结,纠结的是不知道哪家好,哪家质量***,品牌深远。 电动观光车的续驶里程是评价电动观光车性能的关键因素,传统车使用燃油驱动,续驶里程不是其关键的评价因素,而[四轮电动车]电动观光车则不然,它是属于纯电力驱动,而充电的过程相对会较长,一旦电量用完,则必须进行充电,因而电动观光车的续驶能力是其的一个重要指标。电动观光车的续驶能力是指车辆在特定的情况下,可以连续行驶的***大距离。对于电动观光车而言新的蓄电池,充满电,驾驶者驾驶电动观车在平坦二级公路上行驶,知道蓄电池电压小于欠电压值予以断电。在以上条件下,得到的骑行里程通常称为电动观光车的续驶里程,它是一个综合性指数,涉及蓄电池、电动机、控制器、充电器四大件各自的质量和系统匹配质量、整车的装配质量等相关因素。另外对于电动观光车而言,续驶能力又有标定续驶能力和普通情况能力之分,标定续驶能力是指按照***相关规定,车辆加载规定的载荷,在无风、温度适宜条件下,在平直无坡的硬路面上连续行驶所能行驶的***大距离。在这一过程中,有着严格的控制,例如载荷、风速、温度、路面条件,转弯,行驶速度、停车时间等都要符合要求。目前标定续驶里程还可以在制定情况下在测功机上进行,标定续驶能力是***规定的一种电动车的续驶能力的标准,也便于区别不同车辆的性能。但是在电动车的实际使用过程中,由于天气和路况都比较复杂,实际续驶能力与标定续驶能力有很大不同。再者不同的情况和路况下,同一辆电动车的续驶能力也是不一样的。就蓄电池而言,电动观光车要求蓄电池长寿命、高比能(即一次充电可行驶的***长距离)和高比功率(即加速爬坡的能力)。根据电动观光车行业有关检验要求得知,36v、12Ah铅酸电池必须达到以5A电流放电至电压为31.5V时,放电时间不得低于2h。对于这样的蓄电池容量,参照电动观光车耗电量 15Wh/km,设计的电动观光车的理论形成为130Km左右。但是新蓄电池也能满足150的续驶里程。在实际使用中,蓄电池充足电后到底能行驶多少公里?往往与许多因素有关,例如电动机的效率特性、蓄电池的容量和寿命热性等有关。此外,还因为蓄电池的储能有限,过多、过快地耗能,也将使充电一次续驶里程大幅度减小。例如使用36v、12Ah铅酸蓄电池的电动观光车,当车速u效益等于30km/h 是,充一次可行驶120到140km。而当车速u为40km/h时,充一次电续驶里程将小于100km。故此,无论从安全角度还是从技术角度考虑,电动观光车的车速应严格遵循***有关标准规定,不应片面追求高车速。3-DG-200 (3-EV-175) is to visit the battery special vehicle models, the brand choice; Zibo torch, Hubei, Anhui, the United States leoch camel Qiu Jian and US as the power drive, Guangzhou Bei longs professional wholesale all kinds of 6V series electric touring car battery, 3-DG-200 (3-EV-175) 5 hour rate capacity reached 200AH. In 48V, 72V, 36V Series in different ways. Electric sightseeing vehicle, we are generally more in the park, scenic spots and places of entertainment, golf course saw process, the main function of it is to tr***el in the scenery for the tourists, it is like a beautiful landscape as people appear in the eye, let us fly thinking, beyond everything to the nature of the condition, ruminate cmo. Whenever the eyes are attracted by the electric sightseeing car, each time will bring back a lot of good memories, reminiscent of the beautiful scenery. Electric sightseeing car is like an amiable and respectable friend, and like to share the passi*** of impermanence, intimacy, and use it for sightseeing, can always throw away many of the tedious problems, find the beauty of life. Flexible, lightweight, beautiful, it is gorgeous package of its connotation more beautiful, inside and outside integration, driving easy, convenient, only a one-time full of electricity, you can enjoy the use of. The body of the open structure, convenient to get off, reduce fatigue, comfortable test drive, comfortable sightseeing. With the rapid development of touri***, the c***truction area, the tourist area is more extensive, the electric sightseeing vehicle of choice is more and more frequent, so more stimulating to provide electric sightseeing car businesses competing established, while for us in the choice is more of a chance, but it will also bring a lot of tangled, tangled is not know where home is good, which is excellent quality, profound brand. Electric sightseeing vehicle mileage is a key factor in evaluating the performance of the traditional electric sightseeing car, car using fuel mileage driven, not the key factor, and [four] wheel electric vehicle electric sightseeing car is not, it belongs to pure electric drive, and the charging process will be relatively long, once the battery runs out. You must charge, so the electric sightseeing vehicle driving ability is an important index of the. The driving ability of electric sightseeing car is the maximum distance that the vehicle can tr***el continuously in a certain situation.

广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司电话:020-86603123传真:020-86611468联系人:彭海波 13538843060


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